Understanding the Art of Lymphatic Drainage Massage
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March 31, 20243 minute read
What Exactly Constitutes Lymphatic Drainage Massage?
The Crucial
Significance of the Lymphatic System
- Lymphedema: The excessive buildup of protein-rich fluid within tissues.
- Post-surgical swelling: Assisting in the healing process and curbing postoperative swelling.
- Edema: The buildup of fluid in body tissues owing to diverse factors.
- Sinus congestion: Easing congestion and facilitating drainage within sinus passages.
- Rheumatoid arthritis: Skillfully managing joint pain and inflammation.
- Lipedema: Confronting the accumulation of fat and connective tissue.
- Fibromyalgia: Alleviating stiffness and depression.
- Chronic venous insufficiency: Mitigating symptom severity, edema, and pain.
The Merits of Lymphatic Drainage Massage